Star wars yuuzhan vong ships
Star wars yuuzhan vong ships

star wars yuuzhan vong ships

I was very pleased with this series, overall.

star wars yuuzhan vong ships

Kaye discovers a troubling secret about her mother, one that may have major repercussions in the Republic’s war with the Vong. The Empire, it turns out, has been using the Artorians as slave labor. Queen Nina, captaining the Yuuzhan Vong ship that has been re-named Heart of Artorias, is heading to the planet Shramar, an Imperial-run planet where many Artorian refugees were sent after the initial Vong attack. They are on a mission to Coruscant to save Chief of State Borsk Fey’lya from Vong assassins. In this concluding book, Finn has teamed up with a strange old man named Dray with knowledge of the Jedi. I hope that someday Marvel may decide to “open up” their SWEU by revisiting some of the old canon storylines, but this is merely wishful thinking. It follows its main narrative arc all the way to its natural conclusion, and it definitely leaves it open to continue the series. Still, Book 3, “Revelations”, is a semi-satisfying conclusion to the short-lived series.

star wars yuuzhan vong ships

Once Disney bought the Star Wars franchise, Dark Horse lost the rights to their Star Wars line, sadly. My educated guess is “no”, as it was published in 2012, which was around the time that Disney and Lucasfilm were in talks for a buy-out. Still, Book 3, “Revelations”, is a semi-satisfying conclusion to the Book 3 of the Dark Horse Comics series “Star Wars Invasion” is, apparently, the last book in the series, as I have been unable to ascertain whether Dark Horse ever got to complete the series.

star wars yuuzhan vong ships

Book 3 of the Dark Horse Comics series “Star Wars Invasion” is, apparently, the last book in the series, as I have been unable to ascertain whether Dark Horse ever got to complete the series.

Star wars yuuzhan vong ships