Star wars saga edition vehicles
Star wars saga edition vehicles

star wars saga edition vehicles

It's used in tracking armor and related modifiers.

star wars saga edition vehicles

The Armor section is hidden by default and can be revealed by clicking on the link next to the name. Size Applies size modifiers to: Reflex, Stealth, Damage Threshold (DT), Carry Capacity and Grapple Core Stats and Abilities Non-heroic levels are included with the Half level bonus, but not for the Level bonus to Defenses Speciesīackground found in Rebellion Era Source Book Destiny Heroic level with Half Level automatically calculated if you want to include non-heroic levels, switch the sheet temporarily to the NPC sheet to apply non heroic levels. The header section contains relevant character information such as: I do my best to respond as quickly as possible to any of the above, but real life (and day job) does tend to get in the way You can either post a response in the Roll20 Forum for the Character Sheet, send me ( Alicia G) a PM, or file a report on GitHub under the forked repository.

  • All of the above can be left in a multitude of ways.
  • I want to send you feedback, suggestions, or report a bug/error.
  • As not all characters have access to the ability to make UTF skill rolls without the Feat Force Senstivity, it didn't make sense for all players to have access to the skill.
  • The decision was made to have Force related fields hidden by default since they're related to a Feat which must be taken to gain access.
  • Once shown you will find UtF, Force Powers, Techniques, Secrets and Regimens sections appear. At the bottom of the PC and NPC sheet is the option to reveal Force related abilities.
  • Use the Force (UTF) is actually hidden by default with the rest of the Force related fields.
  • 3.3.3 Double / Dual Attack (same Weapon).

  • Star wars saga edition vehicles